Unemployment levels decrease across the U.S

Unemployment levels decrease across the U.Sbigstock-We-are-Hiring-Sign-resized

In the month of October the rate of unemployment in the U.S decreased in 28 states, with 34 adding new jobs. This is positive news for the national labour market which has been struggling through the recent recession.

Of the other 22 states, half saw a plateau in their unemployment rate and the other half saw a slight rise. In 15 states employers cut jobs, with New Jersey, Washington state, and Kentucky losing the most. Florida, California and North Carolina enjoyed the biggest improvements in the job market.

North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate in the country at just 2.7%, with South Dakota close behind at 3.7%, and then Nebraska with 3.9%. The state with the highest unemployment rate was Nevada at 9.3%, although this did fall 0.1% from September. Rhode Island and Michigan were also high with 9.2% and 9% respectively, followed by Illinois with 8.9% and California with a rate of 8.7%.

More than 44,600 jobs were gained in Florida across all sectors, including construction; professional services i.e. accountants and engineers; restaurants and entertainment. In California 39,800 positions were added in education and health, transportation, government, and retail.

The recently released government job report showed that overall U.S employers added 204,000 jobs in October. This is an increase of 41,000 from September and means that despite a 0.1% increase in the national unemployment rate, much of the country managed to withstand the two week government shutdown.